Vader's Support Page
Vader the 'Gentle Giant'

This is a Webpage dedicated to the support and encouragement for Vader. Vader is an 8 month old great dane puppy that has been diagnosed with Wobbler's Syndrome.  

Wobbler's Syndrome is a rare condition that is most common in great danes and dobermans.  The causes can be cause by, but are not limited to genetics, nutrition, injury, trama to neck or spine, neglect, failure to be feed with an elevated food dish, or too much protein (over 24%) in a great dane's diet.  The problem is located in the cervical (neck) vertebrae and causes spinal cord compressions, a wobbly gait, severe tendency to fall or stumble which in turn results in further injury or broken bones, and much, much more.  Although some procedures can help with Vader's wobblers he will more than likely need spinal surgery to ever fully function like a normal, carefree puppy.  Vader has started going to a "doggie chiropractor" every two days to help with the discomfort and his "dizzy" appearance.  I have called a few universities including Auburn and University of GA. and it seems the price for Vader's spinal surgery will be an estimated $7,000-$8,000... I have also looked into "Gold Bead Implants" that would run around $5,000.  Although it seems like a far stretch, I believe that it is FAR from impossible!  Vader has a wonderful personality and despite his bad back and weak legs, he does his best to follow me around the house.